It’s a weird time for the Class of 2020. Everything they have looked forward to—including graduation and senior traditions—have been taken away by the pandemic.
Over a month ago, the IB Exams were officially canceled. The exams were deemed a health risk for students during this massive pandemic. Now, the Class of 2020 worldwide will receive their IB grades based on their performance throughout the two years of the IB, which includes their grades for Written Tasks, FOAs, IOCs, IAs and the school’s predicted grades for each student.
As expected, seniors who have taken the full IB diploma feel extremely relieved: the IB exams were quite definitely the most stressful part of taking the full IB diploma. One of the IB diploma seniors, Carol Mota, said she is glad the exams were canceled and that now, she has one less thing to worry about amidst COVID-19.
“The cancelation of the IB exams made me a lot less stressed, especially in times like these,” said Mota.
The student was previously very concerned about having to prepare for the exams online, away from teachers and other students.
“It’s crucial for my study time to have the support. I don’t think I would feel as confident if I had to take the IB exams,” said Mota.
Another IB diploma senior, Franco Vergara, said he was also worried about preparing for the exam online since virtual school is not productive for him. He said that the cancelation of the IB exams was a relief, and that now he feels like “school doesn’t matter anymore”.
Carol Chen, who takes the full IB diploma, has mixed feelings about the IB exams cancelation. She said that although she is happy that the exams were canceled, she is also disappointed.
“Two years of studying and teachers putting pressure on you have gone to waste,” said Chen.
Although seniors are overall happy about the IB exams being canceled, there are many drawbacks to their high school experience. IB student Maria Fernanda Bello said that the quarantine is preventing the Class of 2020 from having closure.
“We’re going to graduate, but we’re not graduating. We’re leaving this chapter of our lives, but we’re essentially not leaving,” said Bello.
According to the student, the graduation, as well as the senior traditions, served to provide closure on a huge chapter of seniors’ lives. With everything being canceled, there won’t be a memorable close to their high school experience.
Bello also said that when compared to Brazilian schools, EARJ’s graduation is much more important. While Brazilian students are likely to stay in the same city or country, the seniors in EARJ are going to be scattered around the world, and so graduation is a way for students to be together for one last time.
“It’s a really big rupture out of the blue,” said Bello. “Graduation in our school is really symbolic in that sense—we’re really parting ways. Perhaps we won’t get the chance to say goodbye.”
Students, parents, and the school administration have been working hard to get the Class of 2020 the closure they need: the graduation has been moved to a later date for now, and many students still have hope of celebrating their four years of high school together. Even with this uncertain future ahead of them, seniors still decide to stay positive amidst the situation and reflect on these last years of high school.
“I guess that it’s the journey that matters, not only the ending,” said Chen.
Wire, Nexstar Media. “Senior Pictures Capture Feeling of Graduating in COVID-19 Pandemic.” Fox 59, Fox 59, 27 Mar. 2020,