Have you ever thought about the impact a single action- a click or download- can have on society?
Well, if you haven't, let me introduce you to the Magikk app; its three main ingredients are good deeds, good vibes and a lot of good karma. In simple terms, Magikk is an app that compensates virtuous actions, with their digital coin "karma." With every good deed, whether it's partaking in voluntary work or making donations to the NGOs available in the app, you get a reward.
In agreement with Canadian writer Charles de Lint, when performing good actions, not only does the other end receive numerous benefits, but so do you. Using karma coins, you can purchase from an amazing variety of items in the "rewards'' tab of the app. From yoga classes, dishes in some of Rio's most mouthwatering restaurants, to home decorations and clothes, there is a myriad of options to choose from. Never before has an app made it possible to recognize and reward those who contribute to a cause, or causes. Thus, the overall message conveyed by Magikkarma is that of innovation.
As an active user of the app, it is a privilege to participate in a revolutionary initiative capable of sparking a greater sense of purpose within its participants. Magikk inspires and is composed of people who want to bring about change and help those in need; essentially, it facilitates more empathy and solidarity within our society. The app stresses the importance of performing good deeds and believes it's a mission every citizen should have. Remember that it doesn't hurt to help- helping can only heal.
Download the app to begin your journey of kind gestures and fun rewards. Join Magikk and their groundbreaking mission. Help others to help yourself. And without further ado, let's make some Magikk!
App: magikk
Instagram: @magikkarma